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Tuesday, 28th April 2009 10:01 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Tickets for the matches against Ruch and ŁKS


The distribution of tickets for the match against Ruch Chorzów (semi-final game of the Polish Cup) has started today. Fans who have the new club's identity card can buy tickets via Internet. Other supporters can buy them in the special points called "Wyspy Legii" in shopping centres and traditionally in ticket offices at Łazienkowska.

Tickets for those two games cost the same as for normal league matches. Season and semi-season tickets are valid. Children under 7 years old can enter the stadium for free.
Fans are also able to buy tickets for the Saturday game against ŁKS.

Prices for both Ruch and ŁKS tickets:
"Kryta" stand:
A,F - 75 (normal), 35 (for children under the age of 13)
B,E - 95, 45
C,D - 115, 55

"Przed Kryta" stand:
A,F - 35, 15
B,E - 50, 25
C,D - 60, 30

You can find special points in: CH Blue City (al. Jerozolimskie 179), CH M1 in Marki (ul. Piłsudskiego 1), Real in Ursynów (ul. Puławska 427) and CH Janki (ul. Mszczonowska 3). There you'll be able to buy tickets from Saturday.

Ticket offices at Łazienkowska are open (tickets for Ruch):
27-28.04. (hr. 11-19)
29.04. (hr. 11-18:30)

Tickets for ŁKS
From Thursday tickets will be sold in the special points and in ticket offices at Łazienkowska. Ticket offices will be open:
30.04. (hr. 11-19) (ticket office No. 1)
02.05. (hr. 11-17:45) (ticket offices No. 1 and 2)

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