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Wednesday, 6th May 2009 10:04 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Urban: The team feels like playing in the Polish Cup s final


"We have a great opportunity to get the pick of the basket. However it's up to us if we are able to do it" – said Jan Urban at press conference. "I am not nervous. We'll be trying to make up for the negative result from the first match against Ruch. I know that my team would really like to play in the final. I believe that they can do it! I will try to form the lineup so that it doesn't have a great influence on the game against Wisła on Sunday. It's possible then that we will have to play in the extra time on Thursday" – said Urban.
"We are not going to give up on the Polish Cup, but we also need to concentrate on the Sunday's game. We don't have so many footballers to form two totally different lineups on Thursday and on Sunday. We have to get used to play every three days, because if we play in the European cups, we won't be able to give up on the league matches" – announced coach of Warsaw club.

"The game at the Śląski Stadium will be surely very difficult for us. Players of Ruch are optimists and they believe that they will be in the final – it's normal. Due to the fact that we can't be sure of winning the championship title of the Ekstraklasa, we need to take the play in Chorzów seriously. This is another way to get the promotion to the European games. Besides this is also a very important trophy for the club" – said Urban.

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