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Friday, 8th May 2009 08:27 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Urban: We won t play like Chelsea against Barcelona


Legia was defeated by Ruch Chorzów in the Polish Cup's semi-final yesterday. There's going to be a tough game against Wisła on Sunday. "The team which will win on Sunday, will be closer to gain the championship title, because there aren't too many matches left. If we win, we will be quite close to the Polish trophy. If Wisła wins, it will have one point advantage over our team. However, if there is a draw, Lech will have to be taken into consideration when it comes to the championship fight. Nonetheless this is Cracow team which is in a tight corner" – said Jan Urban at today's press conference.
Legia's coach also commented on a run of bad luck. "I hope that our bad luck is over now and that the game against Cracow club is going to be different in comparison to other recent matches. However, we are aware of the fact that Wisła is the home team and that its players are going to play aggressively. We need to present on the pitch football gallantry and aggressiveness. For sure, we won't play like Chelsea against Barcelona, because our power inheres in offensive actions. Certainly we are not going to play defensively" – he added.
Urban emphasized that players of Wisła would be under extreme pressure. "Team from Cracow will be hard-pressed for the victory, because they simply have to win this match".

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