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Sunday, 17th May 2009 10:03 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Urban: You have to finish your opponent off


Jan Urban (Legia Warsaw's coach): We can be pleased with the victory, however it shouldn't have looked like that. Team which is trying to fight for the championship title and plays against Polonia Bytom, has to finish the rival off if it wants to be respected. And this is not the case, because after the first goal we were able to take only two poor shots. In this way we won't achieve successes, especially as we have to put up young players. I'm happy that Adrian Paluchowski was able to unblock and played the same football as he did during the winter preparatory period.

Polonia didn't block up its goal. It played open football thanks to which we had a lot of space on the pitch. Too bad that we weren't able to take advantage of that. It turned out that we can easily lose a goal and even theoretically poorer Polonia Bytom is able to shoot us a goal. That's why we have to outplay poorer teams with a considerable number of goals. Doing so, you win the respect.

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