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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Monday, 18th May 2009 07:55 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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The pitch will be moved in July


After Saturday's game against Polonia Bytom, Legia is going to participate in the European games (either in the UEFA Champions League or in the UEFA Europa League). If Warsaw club wins the Polish trophy, it'll start its football adventure from the second qualifying round of the Champions League on 14th-15th July and on 21st-22nd July. If it promotes to the Europa League from the second position, it'll play games on 16th and on 23rd July. If Legia is third after the season, it’ll have to start the rivalry from the first qualifying round. Those games are scheduled for 2nd and 9th July. It is common knowledge that after the current season the process of remodeling the pitch begins. The field will be moved a few metres to the old "Żyleta" stand.
It means that between 1st and 14th July it won't be possible to play matches at Łazienkowska. That's why Legia's board will have to consider whether to move a match to Kielce, Płock or Bełchatów.

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