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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Wednesday, 20th May 2009 09:42 AM
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Jarzębowski after operation


As we informed you a few days ago, there's a huge probability that Tomasz Jarzębowski won't be able to play in matches until September. However, the injured player had knee operation in Łódź. "The surgeon stitched my meniscus and implemented an implant of the cruciate ligament. Moreover, he cleaned the joint, because there were some foreign bodies after previous operations. It hurts a little bit, but it's nothing unusual" – said Jarzębowski. Legia's footballer is in Szczecin now. He begins the rehabilitation which is carried out by Zbigniew Pawłowski. Nevertheless, it's hard to say how long the rehabilitation is going to last and when the player is going to return on the pitch.
Jarzębowski used a modern technique of rehabilitation. This is so-called LARS method where there's a synthetic ligament implemented. The implant costs 6.000 PLN. "I hope for the best and I believe that after three months supporters will be able to see me on the field, again" – said Jarzębowski.

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