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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Saturday, 30th May 2009 11:22 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Urban: I was thinking about the match in Cracow


We wanted to end this season nicely and win. We scored a few goals what made the match more spectacular. We played quite well. When we were scoring the first two goals, I was thinking about the match in Cracow. We could score goals there and things would be different now. I regret the fact that we failed in crucial moments of the fight for the championship title. First we played a match against Lech at Łazienkowska, then against Wisła in Cracow. We didn't take advantage of both games and we are not champions. We didn't bear the pressure and there was also lack of football effectiveness.
We didn't run out of luck or skills this season. We had luck only in match against ŁKS in Warsaw. In other cases these are Lech or Wisła which can speak about luck. Nevertheless, it seemed that no one wanted to be the champion. At first it was Lech which had the predominance. Then we were leaders. Finally, Wisła started to win matches and is champion now.

My aim is to be Legia's coach when there's new stadium. I am happy that the support returned, because it's pleasure to play in such atmosphere.

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