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Sunday, 31st May 2009 02:25 PM
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Urban: Failure of the year? Transfers

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

Jan Urban thinks that Legia sustained a defeat on the transfer market. "It happened many times that during the match I wanted to strengthen the team, but when I was looking at the substitute bench, there were only defenders or inexperienced players. I would like to have balanced squad. That's why I hope that there will be some new footballers in the team who will be ready to play on the spot so I won't have to prepare them slowly for new tactics, etc." – said Legia's coach.
He also believes that both Marcin Komorowski and Krzysztof Ostrowski who came to Legia in winter have to work hard for a long time before they will be real strengthening for Warsaw club. "The victory is always the most important thing in Legia and you have to remember about it" – added Urban.

The forthcoming transfer season is the next attempt of Legia's board to sell Roger. It seems that Urban reconciled himself to the fact that Guerreiro will leave the club. "There's no concrete offer for Roger, but if he leaves the club, we won't cry" – said the coach.

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