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Friday, 5th June 2009 10:29 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Rzeźniczak: Such season is a failure


Jakub Rzeźniczak was called up for a friendly match against South Africa by the coach of the Polish national team, Leo Beenhakker, at the last moment. Legia's defender didn't plan any vacation, that's why he joyfully went to South Africa. "I was going to stay at home and to rest. A call-up is always a great pleasure for player. I could even interrupt my vacation to be able to play for the national team" – said "Rzeźnik" in an interview for "Polska the Times". The footballer is praised by coach Jan Urban for his attitude and commitment in the play.
"I'm happy that the work brings good results. However, I think that this is only a small ray of sun. There were too many disappointments connected with our results. Yes, we did win the second position in the league after the last match, but no one was happy about that, because we were still thinking about the chance of winning the Ekstraklasa. The victory was very close. If we had only won the game in Cracow..." – said Rzeźniczak and added: "Such season is a failure, because the only successful thing for Legia is the championship title. In addition, we were defeated in the Polish Cup".

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