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Wednesday, 24th June 2009 10:59 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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The black eLka returns onto the tricots


From the beginning of new season Legia's footballers will play in tricots with the "eLka" in the circlet. This information was confirmed at the press conference by Warsaw club's board. The "black eLka" is going to replace the emblem which was introduced by the board in 2006 and which theoretically should have referred to the first emblem from the year 1916. As yet, the official emblem of the FC Legia Warsaw hasn't been changed and this remains the black shield.

As yet, the place on the tricots of Polish vice-champions destined to sponsors' logos remains empty. However it's possible that Legia will sign a contract with one of enterprises. There are speculations that the place occupied by the television "N" will be taken up by the logo of "B-win" company.

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