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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Sunday, 28th June 2009 11:28 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Season tickets from 9th July


Legia Warsaw's board presented detailed prices of season and single tickets for the forthcoming season 2009/2010. The sale begins on 9th July at 12 o'clock. You will be able to buy season tickets not only in the club, but also in four shopping centres where there are special points called "Wyspy Legii". There's going to be a possibility of buying season tickets by the third party. The priority of buying such tickets have persons who had a season ticket during the last season (sale from the 9th to 21st July). Other people will be able to buy such ticket from the 21st to 31st July. It is well known that season tickets include all matches without those in the UEFA Europa League.
Person who didn't have a season ticket during the last season will have to pay (depending on a stand) between 350 and 1100 PLN [between 78 and 244 euro].
The board prepared a special offer for students, women and children between 14 and 17 years.

Prices of season tickets (in PLN) for persons who had season tickets during last season:
Przed kryta A,F: 315
Przed kryta B,E: 450
Przed kryta C,D: 540
Kryta A,F: 635
Kryta B,E: 810
Kryta C,D: 990

Prices of season tickets (in PLN) for new persons:
Przed kryta A,F: 350
Przed kryta B,E: 500
Przed kryta C,D: 600
Kryta A,F: 705
Kryta B,E: 900
Kryta C,D: 1100

Prices of season tickets (in PLN) for students, women and children between 14 and 17 years:
Przed kryta A,F: 280
Przed kryta B,E: 400
Przed kryta C,D: 480
Kryta A,F: 564
Kryta B,E: 720
Kryta C,D: 880

Prices of season tickets (in PLN) for seniors and children between 8 and 13 years:
Przed kryta A,F: 175
Przed kryta B,E: 250
Przed kryta C,D: 300
Kryta A,F: 355
Kryta B,E: 450
Kryta C,D: 550

Prices of tickets (in PLN) for single matches:
Przed kryta A,F: 40
Przed kryta B,E: 55
Przed kryta C,D: 65
Kryta A,F: 70
Kryta B,E: 90
Kryta C,D: 110

People who will buy season tickets for the upcoming season will have priority of choosing places at the new stadium.
There's also a possibility of buying season tickets in four instalments. However, such option is available only for adults.

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