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Wednesday, 15th July 2009 11:57 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Paluchowski is going to make his debut in the European games


"In the UEFA Europa League every team wants to show the best and to go as far as possible. This refers to us and to Olimpi Rustawi as well. Surely we are not going to pass up the match against Georgians. We have to play to the highest limit and achieve a good result if we don't want to stress in Rustawi in the second leg. However, we have to be careful and ready for the unexpected. A good example of this is Polonia Warsaw which was defeated at its own stadium" – said Adrian Paluchowski. 22-year-old attacker can be sure of his debut in the European games.

"Paluch" will be supported in the forwards by Sebastian Szałachowski.
Our cooperation shaped up well and that's why there were goals in friendlies. All we have to do is to repeat it in the official matches. There's nothing to jinx as yet. We have to play what we have to play, and the issue who is going to score the goals isn't very important at the moment" – added Paluchowski.

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