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Thursday, 16th July 2009 11:40 PM
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Legia – Olimpi: after-match conference

Hugollek, Redakcja

Jan Urban (Legia's coach): There were moments not only of a good game, but also of a nervous game. We were losing ball. The first half didn't resemble the attitude presented in the friendlies at all. Olimpi played quite well. I have to admit that they surprised us with Brazilian footballers. One of them was very fast and Dickson Choto had to keep an eye on him so he didn't cause problems to Jan Mucha. Our performance in the second half was much better than before the break – we generated lots of situations after which we could score goals.

Nevertheless, if the rivals had scored a goal from the penalty and equalised, this could have complicated the situation on the field. Fortunately, Georgians didn’t manage to score a goal.

The result is satisfying. We are happy with the final score, but we definitely have to improve our game. Some of my players presented lack of experience in the European games, though this shouldn't have happened with a such opponent. I asked Piotr Giza during the break, how many matches in the European games he played. It turned out that not a single. Nonetheless he wasn't stressed at all and he played a tremendous game. Iwański was pretty good, and the defensive formation did well.

And Paluchowski? Unfortunately, he didn't play a good game. This is important of course that he scored a goal, but an attacker has to generate more situations, provoke fouls for his team, and there was lack of those aspects during this match. The same refers to Szałachowski and Ostrowski – they weren't those footballers from the summer friendlies.

We surely won't go relaxed to Rustawi, because we simply cannot. Every match can get complicated by an accidental goal or a red card. We want to win there. I can't imagine a situation where the team enters the pitch only to maintain an advantageous result.

When it comes to our supporters, we know that we can count of them. They didn't let us down.

Varlam Kilasonia (Olimpi's coach): I want to congratulate Legia upon the victory. This team surpassed us with one class. We tried to play good football and we managed to do it for several minutes. Unfortunately, we lost goals. When my footballer was executing the penalty, I didn't look at the pitch. I never do it since the game against Dinamo Tbilisi when we didn't manage to score four successive penalties. However it seems that such method doesn't help my team. Am I satisfied with the Brazilians? Yes – they started to train with us three days ago and they showed that thanks to their skills they are able to strengthen the team. How do I estimate our chances in the return match? I am aware of the fact that 3-0 defeat gives us small chances, but we'll try to show some good football.

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