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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Wednesday, 29th July 2009 10:15 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Tickets for the game against Zagłębie Lubin


The first league game of the season 2009/2010 against Zagłębie Lubin is at 7.15 p.m. on Sunday. On Wednesday and on Thursday you will be able to buy tickets only in so-called "Wyspy Legii" in big shopping centres. Box offices at Łazienkowska will be open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To see Legia’s match you need to have a fan’s identity card.
Ticket prices:
"Kryta" stand:

A, F - 70 (adults), 56 (students, women, children between 14-17 years), 35 (seniors over 60 years, children between 8-13 years)
B, E - 90, 72, 45
C, D - 110, 88, 55

"Przed Kryta" stand:
B - 55, 44, 27
C, D - 65, 52, 32

Box offices at Łazienkowska are open:

31.07. (11 a.m. – 7 p.m.) – box office No. 1
01.08. (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) – box office No. 1
02.08. (12 p.m. – 8 p.m.) – box offices No. 1 and 2

In case of a reduced ticket for children between 11-17 years, there's a necessity of possessing fan’s identity card. Besides, a parent or an adult has to buy a ticket as well (excluding fans with season tickets). Children between 8-10 years and seniors over 60 don’t have to have fan's identity cards. Women who want to buy a ticket have to possess fan’s identity card. Children under 7 years enter the stadium for free.
On the days when box offices are open there’s a possibility to apply for a fan’s identity card, however on Sunday only to 6 p.m.

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