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Monday, 3rd August 2009 02:14 PM
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Fans and players honoured Insurgents


The Warsaw Uprising broke out 65 years ago, on 1st August 1944. Legia's fans took part in the solemn ceremonies connected with this event. The "OFMC", one of Legia's fans' groups, prepared about 250 candles and more than 10.000 Polish national flags with symbols of the Uprising which were then given out to other supporters who wanted to help. Their task was to light the candles near the designated Warsaw memorials and to put there flags.

Legia's footballers lighted candles under the commemorative plaque which is embedded into the Black Madonna Church.

Delegations of Legia's supporters paid homage to Insurgents, laid wreaths and lighted candles in many places of Warsaw, i.a. near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, near the Gloria Victis monument in the Powązki Military Cemetery, near the Monument of the Fallen Unconquerable on a square by the Warsaw Insurgents Cemetery or on the Tumulus of the Warsaw Uprising in Czerniaków.

For the first time fans of Pogoń Szczecin participated in the ceremonies. They also laid wreaths. What's interesting, in some places there were Lechia Gdańsk's candles.

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