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Wednesday, 5th August 2009 11:33 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Mucha: Promotion is priority!


Jan Mucha was absolutely the best player of the first leg of the third qualifying round against Broendby Copenhagen (UEFA Europa League). He saved our team from losing several goals. "We achieved an advantageous result, we were lucky a little bit, but this is football. If you play great football, however you lose, there won’t be any person who would appreciate that" – said Slovakian goalkeeper.

As yet, Mucha hasn't been offered a contract from other clubs. That's why he stays in Warsaw. "Player always has to live out of a suitcase. However, I'm not afraid of the fact that there's no great offer. I'm not waiting for it with longing. What will be, will be. I definitely don't feel stressed" – said Jan Mucha.

Legia's goalkeeper is hoping that his team colleagues are going to draw conclusions after the first game in Copenhagen. And what about the return match? "It won't be easy, that's for sure. We have to become aware of what we fight for on Thursday. Promotion is priority! I can't imagine a situation where we're not in the next stage. Of course, we do respect our rivals, but we are able to beat them" – ended Slovakian goalkeeper.

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