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Wednesday, 5th August 2009 01:03 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Stadium: Northern stand is rising

Hugollek, Mishka

Legia's stadium changes every day. Fans who were present in the stands during the Sunday match against Zagłębie Lubin must have seen the progress of building.
The railing has been partly taken apart. On the Northern stand (the one near Łazienkowska street) there have been some concrete foundations of the lower (in the entirety) and the upper (partially) stand installed.

The progress in building the television studio which is localised between the arc near the Piaseczyński Channel and the "Kryta" stand can be also noticed.

The integration of the highest parts of locks by means of concrete has been almost finished.
Behind the goal near the Southern stand there's the first huge girder which is going to be installed exactly on this stand.

Photo-report from the stadium – 23 photos taken by Mishka
Panorama – "Virtual Łazienkowska"

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