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Thursday, 6th August 2009 11:52 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Nielsen: Effectiveness was decisive

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

Kent Nielsen (Broendby's coach): We were very lucky today. We are happy that we managed to go further in the UEFA Europa League. Legia played very well and fought to the bitter end. Both teams created lots of situations to score goals. However, I have to admit that Legia was playing better football than the one presented one week ago. We showed our best side today and that's why we can be happy with the promotion to the next stage.

Legia surprised us with its tactics. It forced us to show an enormous exertion in the middle part of the field. Legia's players were changing their positions every now and then. That's why we had to run a lot. Especially Piotr Giza and Maciej Iwański got in our hair. The problem of both teams was that there was poor effectiveness. If one of the teams had been more effective, it would have been happy with the promotion very quickly.

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