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Monday, 10th August 2009 05:29 PM
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Arka-Legia: after-match conference

Hugollek, Woytek

Jan Urban (Legia's coach): I think we were the team which was prevailing in this match, although we didn't have too many opportunities to score goals. If we had stroke a goal in the first half, footballers of Arka would have had to play offensively and we would have been able to generate more situations to score goals. The result 0-0 was advantageous for Arka – that's why the team from Gdynia was trying to defend it. The result was determined after Maciej Rybus's free-kick.

The fact that Piotr Giza is injured is a great loss for our team. Marcin Mięciel was trying to do his best, however he didn't have too many occasions to score goals. Although Adrian Paluchowski stroke two goals in the game against Zagłębie Lubin, it doesn't mean that he'll be playing all the time. We are trying to drill him systematically. We did the same with Rybus and Borysiuk. I think this is normal.

Marek Chojnacki (Arka's coach): I want to congratulate Jan Urban upon the victory. Every defeat hurts, especially with Legia and moreover in the last few minutes of the game. I am happy with my team's defence, however I have reservations about the forwards. Frankly, we didn't exist in the forwards. This was decisive, because we weren't able to establish an equal fight. We were looking for our chances in the counterattacks, however it didn't make out.

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