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Friday, 14th August 2009 10:38 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Urban: Lenczyk is the most threatening person in Cracovia


Legia plays match against Cracovia Cracow on Saturday. Jan Urban is afraid practically only of Orest Lenczyk. “This is a very experienced coach. Probably he’s able to take us by surprise. However we’ll do our best not to let them play on the field. Reshuffle of the coach always musters players’ energies. That’s why we can’t think of Cracovia as if this is a poor team” – thinks Urban.
“A new coach is surely a stimulus thanks to which footballers are able to motivate themselves. This can lend their wings and that’s why we have to be careful. This can be a totally different team than the one from the first two league matches. Although they aren’t able to change the squad, they can change their tactics. Cracovia began the league with some poor results, but this is due to their focusing on the fact which division they were going to play in. Moreover, they can’t play at their own stadium. They have to go to Sosnowiec. Such things affect the results” – said Legia’s coach. He added that Legia could change its tactics for the Saturday game. “Maybe there will be two attackers in the forwards, maybe other footballers will have their chance to play in the match”.

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