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Sunday, 16th August 2009 12:33 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Urban: We hand points too quickly

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

Jan Urban: We wanted to attack Cracovia with pressing, however we had problems with its counterattacks. The away team generated some great situations in the first half. Fortunately, they didn't take advantage of any of them. After the break we were definitely prevailing, but due to the rivals' good defence we weren't able to defeat them. Frankly, we didn't believe that we could lose points in a such match.

We made some mistakes. When we have games against theoretically poorer clubs, we can't play loose. Footballers of those teams know that if they lose at Łazienkowska, they will be brought to account for the defeat. We have to win with such teams. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to dismantle rival's defence with positional attack. Nevertheless, we have to play such football due to the lack of players with whose help it would possible to pass long balls to attackers. We have to be aware of the fact that in most cases teams will be trying to defend their goal. Sometimes we present lack of effectiveness, sometimes we aren't able to generate good situations.

Roger sat at first on the substitute bench due to his not good disposition. It is well known however that even if he is not in his optimal disposition, he's able to generate two or three moves that are essential concerning the final result of the game. I don't know why he stroke instead of passing the ball to Iwański whose position was much better than his. I am aware of the fact that Guerreiro is going to leave the club, nevertheless if he had been in good shape, he would have played better.

Do I think that the match is our blunder? Yes, concerning the result. I also have some reservations about my players' game. When we try to play high pressing, we easily let our opponents carry out counterattacks. We started handing points too quickly.

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