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Saturday, 12th September 2009 06:43 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Szałachowski`s injury is not very serious


Sebastian Szałachowski has problems with his thigh biceps since Tuesday. "He didn't take part in the main training. He was only running, stretching himself and trying not to overstrain his leg. The seriousness of his injury should have been revealed after ultrasonography. Nevertheless, everyone in the club thinks that it's rather not very serious. I don't think that this is a strain – it's rather stretching of a muscle" – said Jacek Magiera.

He's appearance in the match against Śląsk Wrocław is not very possible. "As yet, Szałachowski doesn't train, however it's hard to say what is going to happen on Saturday. There's still some time left to the game. If Grzelak goes to Wrocław, will depend on the doctors' opinion" – explained Magiera and emphasized that in comparison to Tomasz Jarzębowski, who is also recovering after an injury, it was more possible that he would appear in the first team than in the Młoda Ekstraklasa.

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