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Monday, 21st September 2009 07:48 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Urban: We have to be more effective

Hugollek and Tomek Janus

Jan Urban (Legia’s coach): We had great problems with bringing the ball out of defence in the first half. The away team was well organised in defence. Fortunately, the goal that we stroke let us smooth the path. I knew that Lechia had to unfold itself then, and I was right. However, we can’t rave about this victory, because we still can’t score goals. We stroke two, but we wasted lots of situations. We need to have more self-control and score goals even if the result is practically established.
In the match against Lech Poznań we surely won’t have so many chances to strike goals. That’s why we will have to be more effective.

I have to praise Maciej Iwanski, because he’s the one who generated both goal situations. I also can’t forget about Takesure Chinyama. Again, he’s the one who opens the match’s result and makes our game easier. Of course, he wasted situations, but this is important that he was able to take advantage of one of them and he scored a goal. Frankly speaking, his attitude on the field helps our team.

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