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Saturday, 26th September 2009 12:43 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Urban: I want more such matches!

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

Jan Urban (Legia's coach): We were able to see a match on a good level. This game showed simply how Polish teams have to play. There were lots of situations – for us and for Lech as well. We are happy with the victory, because it means that Wisła isn't going to gain a greater advantage over our team. However, what I'd like to say is that we always have to play like in this match. This can't be an accidental, but a usual thing. Good that the game was even more open than a year before, because this made the match more attractive.
This is probably due to fact that either Legia or Lech were interested in a draw.
I have to admit that I foresaw Lech's lineup. I wanted however to limit the away team's game and to cut off their wings. We can't forget about Bartłomiej Grzelak who played a tremendous match. We need such attacker. I know that when the attackers are in a good shape then two of them can appear on the field. However, this time Grzelak played with Chinyama.

Marcin Smoliński also played in the first lineup. He deserved it, because I see what he presents in the trainings. He probably didn't expect to play in the match against Lech. But when I'm the coach, then every player has to be ready to play.

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