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fot. Hagi
fot. Hagi
Friday, 29th January 2010 07:54 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Legia won’t loan Mucha


Members of Legia’s board were considering the loan of Warsaw team’s goalkeeper Jan Mucha to few football clubs either from the Serie A or from the Primera Division, so the club from Łazienkowska could earn some money for its player. Nevertheless, Legia’s coach, Jan Urban, didn’t agree for that. This means that Mucha stays in Legia for the spring round.

Urban wanted desperately to keep Mucha at Łazienkowska, because he was aware of the fact that this was impossible to bring back Wojciech Skaba from Polonia Bytom. Moreover, this would be risky if he gave a chance to tested Adis Nurković to stand between the goalposts. “I accept any decision. I am happy that Legia needs me. I’ll do everything I can to win the Polish championship. And then I begin my football fight in Everton” – said Mucha.

Mucha was willing to go on a loan for six months, so the club from Łazienkowska could receive some money for his transfer. “That’s why I’m ready to be loaned. There are some offers. Everything is up to the members of Legia’s board now” – said the goalkeeper in an interview for “Przegląd Sportowy” on Monday. It’s obvious at the moment that Mucha stays in Legia for the spring round, and the main reason for such situation is the objection of Warsaw team’s coach.

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