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Dong Fangzhuo - fot. Tomek Janus
Dong Fangzhuo - fot. Tomek Janus
Monday, 15th February 2010 08:23 PM
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Dong stays at least to the end of the season


25-year-old Chinese attacker who has been tested by Legia's coaching staff in Spain and in Cyprus stays in our club at least to the end of the current season. The contract may be extended, but this depends upon Fangzhuo's condition. "We decided that Dong Fangzhuo stays with us for the trial period" – said Legia's chairman, Leszek Miklas who ensures that the Chinese proved in the match against Hajduk Split that he's able to play nice football, but he is not well-physically prepared.

"After few trainings in Cyprus Warsaw team's coaches are of the same opinion. This is a player who knows what he should do on the field. However, he needs time. After the friendly match with Hajduk we decided that he stays with us to the end of the current season and then we'll be thinking whether to extend his contract or not. We wouldn't have hired this footballer if the coach hadn't been willing to give him a chance. Jan Urban wants to give him a chance, that's why we'll see what he is going to show us within those four months and after this period we'll take appropriate steps" – said Miklas in an interview for "Polska".

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