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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Monday, 1st March 2010 10:10 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Tickets for the game against Odra Wodzisław Śląski


The nineteenth league game of the season 2009/2010 against Odra Wodzisław Śląski begins at 2.15 p.m. at Łazienkowska on Sunday, 13th March. From now on you are able to buy tickets in so-called "Wyspy Legii" in big shopping centres and via Internet. Box offices at Łazienkowska will be open from the 11th to 13th March. To enter Legia’s stadium you need to have a fan's identity card and a piece of identification.
Prices of tickets:

“Kryta” stand:
A, F - 70 (adults), 56 (students, women, children between 14-17 years), 35 (seniors over 60 years, children between 8-13 years)
B, E - 90, 72, 45
C, D - 110, 88, 55

„Przed Kryta” stand:
A, F, - 40, 32, 20
B, E - 55, 44, 27
C, D - 65, 52, 32

To apply for a fan’s identity card you can visit Legia every Monday or Tuesday (11 a.m. – 7 p.m.) and on the days when there’s sale of tickets at Łazienkowska.

In case of a reduced ticket for children between 11-17 years, there’s a necessity of possessing fan’s identity card. Besides, a parent or an adult has to buy a ticket as well (excluding fans with season tickets). Children between 8-10 years and seniors over 60 don’t have to have fan's identity cards. Women who want to buy a ticket have to possess fan’s identity card. Children under 7 years enter the stadium for free.

IMPORTANT! Each fan who buys a ticket via Internet receives an acknowledgement of receipt with an attachment. There’s an electronic ticket in the attachment which can be printed at home. On the basis of this printed ticket you are able to enter the stadium. Everyone who wants to receive an original ticket has to go either to the so-called “Wyspy Legii” or to the point of Legia’s identity cards at Łazienkowska.

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