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Friday, 4th June 2010 12:43 PM
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Maciej Skorża - Legia’s new coach

Hugollek and Mishka

Maciej Skorża has begun his adventure with Legia as coach since 1st June 2010 as he signed a three-year contract with Warsaw club. He was officially introduced by Warsaw team’s chairman, Paweł Kosmala.
“I would like to thank members of Legia’s board upon the confidence which they have placed in me. I have to admit that this is the greatest challenge in my whole professional life. My dream came true. The main aims are of course winning of the Polish championship title and regular participation in European games” – said Legia’s new coach.

“The team’s conception presented by the board is to my liking. Many people told me that the atmosphere at Łazienkowska was not to good. I believe however that the support as well as beautiful settings will return to the stands” – added Skorża.

Rafał Janas became Skorża’s assistant. Jacek Magiera and Lucjan Brychczy remain in the club as assistant coaches. Paolo Terziotti became new coach of physical preparation. „The contract with Ryszard Szul terminated and we decided not to extend it” – said Leszek Miklas.

Krzysztof Dowhań will be still coach of goalkeepers.

There aren’t going to be made any changes in the medical staff. Stanisław Machowski is still Legia’s doctor and Zbigniew Sęktas and Jerzy Somow remain in the club as physiotherapeutists.

“We strongly believe that we have hired the best coach in Poland. We have chosen him among many Polish and foreign coaches. Our coach has to be able to cope with pressure, because this is the key-word in Legia. We are convinced that Skorża will cope with our expectations” – recapitulated Miklas.

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