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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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photo: Mishka
photo: Mishka
Sunday, 8th August 2010 10:42 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Friendly: Legia 5-6 Arsenal (videos)


There were about 23.000 people in the stands during the friendly game between Legia and Arsenal London on the occasion of opening the new stadium at Łazienkowska on Saturday. Due to an agreement which was signed by members of Warsaw club’s board and official association of Legia’s supporters (SKLW) on Monday nearly two weeks ago and which ended a three-year fans’ protest, Legia’s supporters began to galvanise their footballers again.
We encourage you to see some videos with Legia’s fans support from this game below this article.

We also remind you that you are able to watch more videos at our special website Legia.TV.

Besides, if you have your own photographs and videos from the match against FC Arsenal, we induce you to share them with our editorial staff. They will be published at our website. Please send e-mails on: redakcja@legialive.pl.

Doping dla Legii

Doping dla Legii cz. 2

Doping z perspektywy trybuny im. Deyny

Warszawa, Warszawa

Sen o Warszawie

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