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Sunday, 10th October 2010 11:46 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Friendly: Legia 1-0 FC Den Haag


In a charity game organised for Wojtek, one of Legia’s supporters who’s very ill and who managed to create friendship between fans from Warsaw and Hague twenty-five years ago, players from the capital of Poland defeated 1-0 Dutch footballers. The only goal was stroke in the 38th minute of the match by Marcin Komorowski. Few players who are being tested by Legia’s coaching staff appeared in the match: Fall Mouhamadou, Osama Elsamni and Ahmed Toure.
We encourage you to see 138 photographs from the game taken by Mishka and 32 photographs taken by Piotr Galas.

What’s interesting, for the first time in history, there were two unprofessional players on the pitch – Przemysław Kulesza and Adam Walenda took part in an auction thanks to which they were able to appear for about ten minutes in this game. Money from the auction has been earmarked for ailing Wojtek.
There were about 17.000 people (including 300 supporters from Hague) who gathered in the stands of new Legia’s stadium. Fans prepared two impressive sceneries in the stands which were decorated by lots of pyrotechnics, colourful aluminium foils, cardboards and streamers.
You will be soon able to see a lot of photographs and videos from this match prepared by our editorial staff.

Legia Warsaw 1-0 (1-0) FC Den Haag
1-0 38’ Marcin Komorowski

referee: Paweł Raczkowski
audience: 17.000

If you want to check the whole match report, please visit this page.

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