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by Mishka
by Mishka
Tuesday, 26th April 2011 07:09 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Lechia Gdańsk 2-1 Legia


Although Legia’s footballers managed to defeat 4-0 Lechia’s players in the second leg of Polish Cup’s semifinal on Wednesday, they had to cope with 1-2 defeat in the game against the team from Gdańsk on Saturday.
Everything began brilliant. The same Lechia’s footballer, who shot an own goal during the cup match in Warsaw, scored another own goal. We induce you to see Mishka’s photo report from the match.

Unfortunately, this was only worse later. After fifteen minutes Traore equalised and the first half finished with a 1-1 draw. In the second half this was Lechia which could be happy with the victory over Legia because its footballer Lukjanovs struck the second goal which turned out to be the winning one.
Legia is still the worst team in the spring round and it currently occupies the seventh position in the league table.

?Lechia Gdańsk 2-1 (1-1) Legia Warsaw
0-1 8’ Krzysztof Bąk (own goal)
1-1 23’ Abdou Traore
2-1 59’ Ivans Lukjanovs

yellow cards: Pietrowski, Surma (Lechia) – Borysiuk, Rybus, Hubnik (Legia)
referee: Hubert Sielewicz
attendance: 7120

If you want to check whole game report you ought to visit this page.

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