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Monday, 4th July 2011 08:39 AM
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Legia interested in Maor Buzaglo


According to some Israeli media, Legia is interested in a 23-year-old offensive midfielder Maor Buzaglo. The footballer has recently appeared in Maccabi Tel Aviv Football Club. As junior player he used to play for Juventus Football Club and Olympique Lyonnais. Inter Milan and Aston Villa were also interested in the midfielder.
Again, he has been playing football in Israel in lots of local clubs since 2005. These were chronologically: Maccabi Haifa Football Club, Hapoel Petah Tikva F.C., Bnei Sakhnin F.C. and Maccabi Tel Aviv Football Club. He has been playing for his current club since 2008. He has appeared in 81 games scoring 18 goals. He managed to strike 4 goals in the last season.

The player publicly criticised his club after the end of the season and as a result of this situation the club’s owner Mitchell Goldhar announced at the end of June that he was not willing to keep the footballer in Maccabi and that he decided to put him on transfer list.

The midfielder has appeared thirteen times in matches of Israeli national team. He also used to play regularly for Israeli youth national teams: U-17 (12 games / 9 goals), U-19 (34 / 21) and U-21 (15 / 8). The player has got his own official website.

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