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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Thursday, 11th August 2011 11:45 AM
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Is Legia interested in an Egyptian player?


According to website 2x45.com.pl, there’s a possibility that Legia will soon be joined by an Egyptian footballer Mohamed Salah who is member of his youth national team. Warsaw team’s coach Maciej Skorża hopes that Legia’s board will buy another offensive player. The mentioned Egyptian could be an alternative for Manú.

19-year-old player is considered a big talent. He played for Egyptian U-20 national team during the World Cup in Colombia. The footballer appeared in four games of the tournament. Moreover, he managed to score a goal (a penalty) in the last match.

Salah isn’t very expensive (as being a player at such a young age). This is well known that members of Legia’s board want to make Bosman transfers or to buy such footballers who are relatively cheap. Warsaw club would have to pay nearly 150.000 euro for the player. His present club is Arab Contractors Sporting Club.

There was only one Egyptian footballer who played in Legia in the past – Ahmed Ghanem. Nevertheless, he didn’t stay in Warsaw for a long time.

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