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Monday, 29th August 2011 10:43 PM
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ŁKS 1-3 Legia


Legia’s footballers coped with their rivals from Łódź and defeated them 3-1 in Bełchatów on Monday. The first goal was scored by Ivica Vrdoljak in the 13th minute of the game – Legia’s player properly executed a penalty which was result of the situation when Jakub Wawrzyniak had been pulled by his T-shirt in the penalty area by one of ŁKS’s midfielders a minute earlier.

Warsaw team’s members couldn’t have been happy with 1-0 lead for a long time because two minutes later Sebastian Szałachowski (ex-Legia’s player) defeated Dusan Kuciak with a marvellous shot and equalised.

The third goal of the match was scored by Janusz Gol four minutes later. The footballer took advantage of Artur Jędrzejczyk’s pass.

The first half finished with Legia’s 2-1 lead over ŁKS. After the break Warsaw team managed to strike its third goal. Its author was Danijel Ljuboja. This also has been his fourth goal in the league this season.

ŁKS Łódź 1-3 (1-2) Legia Warsaw
0-1 13’ Ivica Vrdoljak (penalty)
1-1 15’ Sebastian Szałachowski
1-2 19’ Janusz Gol
1-3 81’ Danijel Ljuboja

yellow cards: Vrdoljak, Wawrzyniak, Borysiuk (Legia)
referee: Wojciech Krztoń
attendance: 999

If you want to check whole match report, you ought to visit this page.

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