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Friday, 18th November 2011 06:10 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Fine for the match against Hapoel


UEFA’s committee made a decision that Legia has to pay a fine of ten thousand Euros for banners which hung in the stands during the game against Hapoel Tel Aviv F.C. The punishment isn’t as high as it was foretold by some media. UEFA’s delegate Edward Potok was even of the opinion that Warsaw team could have been excluded from the tournament. Yet, the whole situation finished only with a financial penalty.

The choreography which was prepared by Legia’s ultras was widely commented in media. However, UEFA’s delegate didn’t ask stadium’s security to remove it. The case finished in the prosecutor’s office but the prosecutor decided not to take it up.

Polish ultras appreciated the choreography and recognised it as the best choreography of September.

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