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by Mishka / Legionisci.com
by Mishka / Legionisci.com
Monday, 12th February 2018 08:32 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Zagłębie Lubin 2-3 Legia Warsaw

Hugollek, źródło: Legionisci.com

After a two-month break players of the Polish Ekstraklasa resumed their football rivalry. Warsaw team went to Lubin to play a match against local Zagłębie on Friday.
During last two months a few “Wojskowi”’s footballers left the club. Simultaneously, some transfer deals have been settled. Due to all these issues everyone was unsure what to expect.
From the very beginning Legia were controlling the situation on the pitch trying to attack their opponents’ goal and it did pay off! In the 16th minute of the game Jarosław Niezgoda chose an opportune time to score the first goal, as he headed home a Sebastian Szymański’s corner kick. Zagłębie tried to find their luck in counterattacks. After one of the free kicks they could equalise but Arkadiusz Malarz stood guard. The first half finished then with Legia’s 1-0 leading.
The final 45 minutes started unluckily for Warsaw players. Jakub Mareš took advantage of Legia’s players’ indecisiveness and scored the first goal for Zagłębie.
In the 67th minute of the match Legia took the lead again. Jarosław Niezgoda managed to escape from Lubin’s defenders and defeated their goalkeeper for the second time.
When it seemed that Legia was going to win 2-1, something unexpected happened. In the injury time Legia’s defender Michał Pazdan touched the ball with his hand in the penalty area what was confirmed after checking the VAR (Video Assistant Referee). Jakub Mareš executed the penalty and defeated Arkadiusz Malarz. Zagłębie equalised and everyone thought that the match was going to finish with a draw. However, Legia’s players decided not to give up and they headed for their first victory in 2018 trying to attack their rivals’ goal. It’s unbelievable but they succeeded! One of Warsaw footballers was fouled in the penalty area by a Zagłębie’s player and the referee had no doubts – there had to be a penalty for Legia. It was executed by… Miroslav Radović, who entered the field a few minutes earlier replacing Jarosław Niezgoda and who returned to the team after a long-lasting injury. He didn’t miss and defeated Piotr Leciejewski. Legia’s players went thrown into ecstasy. At the same moment the referee used his whistle for the last time which meant that three points went to Warsaw!

We encourage you to see 64 photos from the game taken by Mishka.

Zagłębie Lubin 2-3 (0-1) Legia Warsaw
0-1 16’ Jarosław Niezgoda
1-1 46’ Jakub Mareš
1-2 67’ Jarosław Niezgoda
2-2 90+2’ Jakub Mareš (penalty)
2-3 90+8’ Miroslav Radović (penalty)

Zagłębie Lubin: 29. Piotr Leciejewski - 44. Alan Czerwiński, 2. Bartosz Kopacz, 33. Ľubomír Guldan, 3. Saša Balić - 19. Filip Jagiełło, 25. Adam Matuszczyk, 20. Jarosław Kubicki (76’, 16. Paweł Żyra), 14. Łukasz Janoszka (46’, 7. Krzysztof Janus) - 26. Jakub Mareš, 11. Bartłomiej Pawłowski (68’, 77. Łukasz Moneta)

Legia: 1. Arkadiusz Malarz - 55. Artur Jędrzejczyk, 44. William Rémy, 2. Michał Pazdan, 14. Adam Hloušek - 31. Krzysztof Mączyński, 6. Chris Philipps, 7. Domagoj Antolić - 53. Sebastian Szymański (46’, 9. Eduardo), 11. Jarosław Niezgoda (86’, 32. Miroslav Radović), 22. Kasper Hämäläinen (90’, 18. Michał Kucharczyk).

yellow cards: Balić, Janus, Guldan, Leciejewski - Malarz, Hloušek, Antolić
referee: Mariusz Złotek (Stalowa Wola)
attendance: 9655

If you want to the check whole match report, please visit this page

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