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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Friday, 24th April 2009 10:50 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Urban: This is not a match for the Polish championship


In press conference, which took place yesterday, Legia's coach, Jan Urban, commented not only on the Sunday game, but also on the recent situation on the stands.
He stated that he and his players had got used to the lack of support from fans. He knows however that the compromise between the supporters and the club's board has been achieved and he hopes that the support will help his footballers.

Urban also believes that the match against Lech isn't the most important in the rivalry for the championship, because there will be still five games left. Nonetheless the coach thinks that the team which will win on Sunday, will be closer to gain the trophy.
He also emphasized that a single goal could determine the victory. Nevertheless, Urban is aware of the fact that scoring a goal can be difficult to achieve, because both Legia and Lech have a strong respect for each other and they know that this match is going to have a great influence on the situation in the league table. Besides, according to the stats, when it comes to games against Lech, there is always lack of goals.

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