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Wyniki wyszukiwania frazy conference
31 wyników

  • 2023-06-21 | 13:23 - Ordabasy Szymkent rywalem Legii w 2. rundzie el. LKE
  • 2014-07-26 | 23:52 - Podoliński (Cracovia’s coach): Legia was within our reach
  • 2014-07-26 | 23:30 - Berg (Legia’s coach): We showed character
  • 2011-08-06 | 09:17 - Skorża: Advancing is what matters
  • 2010-03-27 | 03:58 - Kafarski: Legia was too good
  • 2010-03-27 | 03:57 - Białas: We won thanks to our self-confidence
  • 2009-09-26 | 00:43 - Urban: I want more such matches!
  • 2009-09-26 | 00:21 - Zieliński: This defeat hurts
  • 2009-09-21 | 07:48 - Urban: We have to be more effective
  • 2009-09-21 | 07:47 - Kafarski: We were afraid of Legia
  • 2009-09-16 | 07:50 - Slask-Legia: after-match conference
  • 2009-08-29 | 11:15 - Urban: Important points
  • 2009-08-29 | 10:28 - Szatałow: Our legs were shivering
  • 2009-08-24 | 13:55 - Odra – Legia: after-match conference
  • 2009-08-16 | 20:47 - Lenczyk: There is glimmer of hope
  • 2009-08-16 | 12:33 - Urban: We hand points too quickly
  • 2009-08-14 | 10:38 - Urban: Lenczyk is the most threatening person in Cracovia
  • 2009-08-10 | 17:29 - Arka-Legia: after-match conference
  • 2009-08-07 | 00:13 - Urban: This match hurts...
  • 2009-08-06 | 23:52 - Nielsen: Effectiveness was decisive
  • 2009-08-03 | 17:16 - Legia - Zagłębie: after-match conference
  • 2009-07-16 | 23:40 - Legia – Olimpi: after-match conference
  • 2009-07-16 | 16:07 - Urban: I`m not afraid of this match
  • 2009-05-30 | 23:22 - Urban: I was thinking about the match in Cracow
  • 2009-05-30 | 23:21 - Fornalik: We made wrong decisions
  • 2009-05-24 | 08:49 - Urban: It`s too late now to say and what would have happened if...?
  • 2009-05-17 | 10:04 - Szatałow: Legia was better
  • 2009-05-17 | 10:03 - Urban: You have to finish your opponent off
  • 2009-05-07 | 23:40 - Ruch-Legia: After-match conference
  • 2009-05-06 | 22:04 - Urban: The team feels like playing in the Polish Cup s final
  • 2009-04-24 | 22:50 - Urban: This is not a match for the Polish championship

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