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by Woytek
by Woytek
Saturday, 6th August 2011 09:17 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Skorża: Advancing is what matters

Michał Mugerman

Maciej Skorża (Legia’s coach): I’m pleased with the fact that we rose to the occasion, and did what we had to. We defended last week’s result, but in all honesty, the Turks were less harmful than last Thursday. Seldom did they reach our goal, and that’s what we set out before the match. My applause go to the players for sticking to the tactical plan - with minor exceptions.

In the two-legged tie we didn’t lose a goal against a team who plays very offensively. This is very positive before starting the new season, since our defense was weak in the previous one. Words of recognition for the team who showed character, played until the end, and controlled the match. The match wasn’t beautiful, but advancing is what matters.

As far as coach Kafkas’s words are concerned, they show that after the first match, he tried to use any means necessary in order for us to change our style. Our goal was to neutralize their strong points, and it worked. They said that they would win by a few goals, meanwhile they couldn’t even score one. Either something didn’t work out for them, or the opponent was too good. Our goal is advancing, and so far we managed to do that. As the coach, I have to select a tactic, and the one I chose gave us the promotion.

Vrdoljak’s change was caused by his yellow card. There was information from the Turkish bench that they will try to provoke him, and we didn’t want to end the match in 10. It is easy to catch a foul in the midfield, and so I brought in Janusz Gol.
Before the match we were under pressure, because out of nowhere we were the favorites. We knew that the first 20 minutes will be important. That’s when the Turks score a lot of goals. We wanted to wait off the beginning, and we managed to do that. 2-3 counters worked out well for us, and we felt that the rival isn’t that harmful. We loosened up, and the rival began to dominate. Luckily, we managed to put everything back in order. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to win for such a great crowd.

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