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Thursday, 7th May 2009 11:40 PM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Ruch-Legia: After-match conference


Jan Urban (coach of Legia): I have to congratulate Ruch upon its promotion to the Polish Cup’s final. Two victories speak for themselves. We knew that we had a tough nut to crack to make up for the negative result after the game in Warsaw. Certainly we didn’t want to play in the extra-time. We didn’t change our tactics even after the lost goal. As you could see, my team really wanted to make up for the loss. Ruch had its great situations, however if we had quickly scored a goal, everything would have been possible.

Waldemar Fornalik (coach of Ruch): I would really like to thank Jan Urban for his congratulations. Although we won in Warsaw I emphasized that both teams had equal opportunities to win the promotion to the Polish Cup’s final. If Legia had scored a goal and led, there could have happened a lot on the pitch. I have to praise my players for their engagement. Although Iwański and Chinyama didn’t play from the first minute, there was a good lineup on the field. We are very pleased with the promotion, nevertheless we don’t forget that there are still some very important games.

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