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Monday, 3rd August 2009 05:16 PM
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Legia - Zagłębie: after-match conference

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

Jan Urban (Legia's coach): This is hard to explain what was going on in the first half. We can't play such football. And it doesn't matter that we play against a promoted team. We can't disregard any club. And it would be better if the players didn't complain about the weather, because both teams had to endure the same conditions. I don't have reservations about the second half, however my footballers will have to be punished for the first three quarters.

Our team is matched and anyone can play. Nevertheless, I was considering if I did well by making such big changes in the squad. Fortunately, the situation in the second half was much better. But I still don't know why my players sometimes display such poor game. If a young player enters the pitch, he should get tired. This is me who should stop him, if necessary. I shouldn't be the person who has to encourage him to run and to play. Unfortunately, this was the case today.

Andrzej Lesiak (Zagłębie's coach): I would like to congratulate Legia upon the victory and a such impressive result. Was it fair? I think other people should judge it. The fact remains that we had some chances to score goals. However, we didn't manage to take the advantage of them. Instead of scoring goals we sent the ball to our own goal. Then Legia managed to score the second goal which clipped our wings. This was the crucial moment of the whole match. We can't forget about the situations when my players hit the ball into the posts, and this happened two times. Then there was Legia's counterattack and everything was over.

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