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Saturday, 8th August 2009 11:34 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

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Peered: Marcin Mięciel

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

Before the second leg of the third qualifying round against Broendby (UEFA Europa League) there were lots of questions about who was going to play in the forwards. Jan Urban could choose between Marcin Mięciel and Adrian Paluchowski. Eventually, he decided to put up "Miętowy" for the first lineup. We decided then to peer Marcin Mięciel to check if Urban's decision was appropriate.

Although Jan Urban said that concentrating on the defence from the first minute could be fateful, Mięciel was the only player in the forwards. Sebastian Szałachowski did try to back him up, however "Miętowy" didn't have too many conctacts with ball for the first 45 minutes. During this time he struck the ball only one time into Stephan Andersen's goal. The goalkeeper managed however to catch the ball.

After the break Legia's attacker played better football. He committed himself with the game and he was trying to pass the ball up to his better embattled colleagues. In the 54th minute Maciej Iwański was able to execute the penalty due to a foul on Mięciel. And here we are able to see the main difference between Mięciel and Chinyama. So far as Takesure is an egoist, in so far as Marcin knows that sometimes it is better to cooperate with other footballers. So maybe Jan Urban should put up two attackers in the forwards? Mięciel who would reasonably pass the ball up to selfish Chinyama could be a bull's eye's solution. At first "Chini" has to recover after the injury, and "Miętowy" is also able to perform better.

We present you below the after-match statistics of Marcin Mięciel (in the brackets: the first + the second half).
Game time: 90 minutes
Accurate shots: 1 (1+0)
Missed shots: 2 (1+1)
Accurate passes: 12 (2+10)
Inaccurate passes: 2 (1+1)
He fouled: 1 (1+0)
Was fouled: 4 (1+3)
Ball collection: 1 (0+1)
Ball loss: 7 (3+4)

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